Thursday, November 29, 2012


What is hyperkalemia? Hyperkalemia is a condition in which you have excess potassium (k+) in your bloodstream.

 Potassium affects both muscle movements and electrical impulses, an excess can cause an irregular heartbeat. In severe cases, your heartbeat may become slower and your heart may begin to fibrillate --- to twitch without pumping blood. 

In an emergency situation, doctors may use calcium to stimulate cardiac contractions and bring your heart muscle function back to normal. 

Calcium, however, may irritate or damage the veins around your heart. 

Doctors usually choose calcium gluconate because it is the most mild form of calcium and is less likely to cause vascular damage. 

In an acute situation, however, doctors may choose calcium chloride--a more potent form of calcium--despite potential damage to your veins.

Determination of Stroke Volume (SV) and Cardiac Output (CARO)

The amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle per beat, the stroke volume is about 70 mL in resting man of average size in the supine position which 70mL from left ventricle and 70 mL from right ventricle.

 The output of the heart per unit time is the cardiac output.
In resting supine man, it averages about 5.0 L/min (70x72 beats/min).
There is a correlation between resting cardiac output and body surface which the output per minute per square metre of body surface (cardiac index) averages is 3.2

Variations in cardiac output can be produced by changes in cardiac rate or stroke volume.
  • The cardiac rate is controlled primarily by cardiac innervation, sympathetic stimulation increasing the rate and parasympathetic stimulation decreasing it.
  • The stroke volume also determined in part by neural input, sympathetic stimuli making the myocardial muscle fibers contract with greater strength at any given length and parasympathetic stimuli having the opposite effect

Calculating stroke volume (SV)
SV (mL)= 100 + 0.5 PAP - 0.6 DAP - 0.6 ag
PAP - pulse arterial pressure
DAP - Diastolic arterial pressure
Ag - age surveyed (complete years)

Calculating Cardiac Output (CarO)
CarO (L) = HR (bpm) x SV (ml) / 1000
HR- Heart Rate

Monday, November 26, 2012

The effect of gravity on the linear velocity of blood flow

Effect of gravity on the linear velocity of blood flow in the main arterial vessels in the neck, brain and legs in 67 essentially normal human subjects of both sexes. 

The hemodynamic effect of gravity was neutralized by placing the subjects in the horizontal position; effects of the force of gravity were stimulated by active upright posture. 

It was shown that most commonly the arterial blood flow reacts to the orthostatic orientation by reducing the linear velocity, especially in the leg. 

These results indirectly witness that the hydrostatic pressure gradient on different levels of the arterial system in upright standing humans is not the only factor in reduction of the arterial blood linear velocity.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Internal Carotid Artery

Internal Carotid Artery

  1. Supply eyeball and brain.

  1. Consist 4 part:
  1. Cervical
  2. Petrosus
  3. Cavernous
  • Pass through the cavernous sinus of the dura mater.

  1. Cerebral
- At anterior clinoid process form:
  • Anterior cerebral arteries
  • Middle cerebral arteries  ® Cortex of frontal lobe.

- On level of optic canal, form the:

Other branches of internal carotid artery go to brain and form arterial circle of brain ( circulus arteriosus cerebri)

Common Left Carotid Artery

Common left Carotid Artery

  1. Supply blood to neck and head.

  1. Origin
  • 1st, it go behind and lateral of external Carotid artery. Later, it rise medially to external carotid artery.
  • Rises up between pharynx and internal jugular vein.
  • At cervical part, sympathetic trunk and vagus pass medially.
  • Lateral to it, located hypoglossal nerve. More upper, located Glossopharengeal nerve.
  • Passes carotid canal of temporal bone pyramid.

  1. Anastomoses of internal carotid artery
: posterior communicationg artery with posterior cerebral artery

  1. Divided into:
  1. External Carotid artery
  2. Internal Carotid artery


Aorta consist:
  • Ascending part
  • Arch (arcus aorta)
  • Descending Part

Ascending part
  1. Ascending part of aorta form aorta bulb (bulbus aorta) at the level 3rd intercostal level.
  2. At the level of bulbus aorta, right and left coronary artery separate.

Aorta Arch
  1. Arcus aorta form at the level right 2nd rib
  2. Give rise to:

Descending part
Divided into:
  1. Thoracic part
  2. Abdonimal part

Branches of opthalmic artery

Branches of opthalmic are artery:

  1. Branches at orbital cavity:
  • Lacrimal artery
  • Long and short ciliary artery.
  • Central artery of retina.
  • Anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries.
  • Muscular arteries.
  • Supratrochlear artery

  1. Branch at lateral surface of nose root
  • Dorsal nasal artery

  1. Branch at upper and lower eyelid
  • Medial Palpebral artery
  • Anastomosees with lateral palpebral artery, branches of lacrimal artery.

Monday, November 5, 2012

For Sabahan, mum or dad from Sabah or Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan can apply this Scoolarship. 
For higher education in Malaysia or overseas, applications will be open and advertise in local dailies on March/April every year.

For more info, check
Yayasan Sabah Corporate Schoolarship

Communication Skills

What is communication? Communication is the way people connecting and interact each other which changing information occur. It can be verbal and non- verbal.

Verbal are through voice which mean speaker and listener while non verbal can be convey the information through writing, body language and so on.

What is effective communication?

Effective Communication allowed the information fully understands and received.

How to create Effective communication?

Effective communication created when someone combined verbal and non verbal communication.

1.    Listener
-       Make sure the listeners are interest with the topics.

2.    Body language (non-verbal)
-       Practice observing people. This teach you how people react and act to each other.
-       Aware of individual difference

3.    Voice tones

4.    Speak confidently

Friday, November 2, 2012

Benefits of eating Dates

In Islamic religion, dates are most suggested food to take for those who are fasting. This is due to ability of dates to regenerate energy in short time. Besides of that, dates have many other benefits make it most suggested healthy  food.

Benefits of eating dates:

1. Assist the growth of bone from calcium deficiency.
2. Treat anaemia.
3. Enhanced the vitality
4. Prevent the body from bacteria and cancer.
5. Overcoming rheumatism.
6. Streamlining the urinary tract.
7. Prevent and treat stroke.
8. Adding to the child's weight.
9. Increase of platelets in the blood and tackle dengue.

10. Slow aging process.
11. Nurture of myopia.

High Calories- Get FAT faster

High Calories Food Get Fat Faster:

While everyone talk about how to get slim, I will tell you tips on how to get ideal body shape by gain weight. For those skinny or who want to gain weight faster try eat these food:

1. Smoothies 

600-700 calories depend on the ingredients

2. Dark Chocolate

 501 calories/100 g good for heart

3. Avocado 

322 Calories/ 30g

4. Shakes 

250-300 calories

5. Dates

270 calories/100g

6. Nuts 

200 calories/ 2table spoon

7. Doughnut 

198-299 Calories

8. Bacon 

 174 calories

9. Potato 

161 calories 
- Rich iron, Potassium and fiber

10. Beet 

153 calories/ slices

11. Salmon 

152 calories/3 ounce 
- rich in Omega 3 that is good for brain

12. Milk 

146 calories/ 1 cup

13. Soy Milk 

127 Calories/1 cup

14. Olive oil

 120/ tablespoon good to lower the risk of heart disease and against cancer

15. Cheese 

114 Calories/slices
- High in protein and Calcium