Sunday, October 21, 2012

Avoid DUMBNESS BABY - Calcium Deficiency Effect During Pregnancy

Hello readers!!!

Do you know that calcium is very important during pregnancy? Yeah, that is true. One of the most important effect of calcium deficiency during pregnant is dumbness baby.

So, during pregnancy, look up for what you eat since it not just effect your health but your future baby as well.

Here list of some high calcium food that you can easily find:

1. Sesame seed
2. Tofu
3. Almonds
4. Dairy products: Milk, yogurt and others
5. Cheese
6. Fish: Sardines, Salmon and rainbow trout
7. Spinach 
8. Okra 
9. Soy beans

However, calcium did not work by it self. Actual amount of calcium absorbed by body influence by vitamin D.

You can eat severe foods that can provide you with vitamin D:

1. Tuna
2. Egg yolk
3. Exposed skin to sunlight (but not exessive direct sunlight)

How much you should take?

The Institute of Medicine has released the following guidelines:  
Adults up to age 70 should get 1,000 mg per day. 

Maybe you can take:

1 cup of skim milk (305 mg)
Cheese, swiss (250 mg)
Soy milk (200-300 mg)
8 ounces of non-fat yogurt (452 mg)
½ cup of spinach (146 mg)
Packet of fortified oatmeal (100 mg)
Salmon (100 mg)

In short, for you and your baby health, consume balance healthy food. SIMPLE.

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