Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blood in Urine

Blood in urine known medically as hematuria. 
Blood in urine can be a sign of a serious medical condition and it should not be ignored. All cases of hematuria should be evaluated by a doctor who can order tests to confirm or rule out an underlying cause.

There is no specific treatment for hematuria since it's a symptom and not a specific condition. 

Blood from???
Blood in urine can come from the kidneys, where urine is made. It also can come from:
  • Ureters (the tubes from the kidneys to the bladder).
  • Bladder (where urine is stored).
  • Urethra (the tube from the bladder to the outside of the body).


Symptom is obvious. Instead of its normal pale yellow color, your urine may be pink, red, brownish-red, or tea-colored. This is what doctors call gross hematuria.

Sometimes, blood in urine is not visible to the naked eye and can only be detected by the lab. This is what doctors call microscopic hematuria. 

Causes of Hematuria:
  • Bladder infections (acute cystitis). In adults usually cause burning or pain with urination. Infants with bladder infections may have fever, be irritable, and feed poorly. Older children may have fever, pain and burning while urinating, urgency, and lower belly pain.
  • Kidney infections (pyelonephritis). Symptoms may include fever, chills, and flank pain, which refers to pain in the lower back.

  • Kidney stones. Symptoms may include severe abdominal or pelvic pain.
  • Kidney diseases. Symptoms may include weakness, high blood pressure, and body swelling, including puffiness around the eyes.

Common causes:
  • Bladder or kidney infections.
  • Bladder or kidney stones.
  • Certain kidney diseases, such as inflammation in the filtering system of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis).
  • Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) or prostate cancer.
  • Inherited diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic kidney disease.
  • Certain medications such as aspirin, penicillin, heparin, cyclophosphamide, and phenazopyridine.
  • A tumor in the bladder, kidney, or prostate.
  • Kidney injury from an accident or sports.
  • Vigorous exercise.
Sometimes, what appears to be blood in urine is actually red pigment from other sources such as food dyes, medications, or an excessive amount of beets. Doctors refer to this latter cause as "beeturia."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Food Built Muscle

Protein help to build and maintain muscle as well as help fat loss. So, to build muscle, you have to take variety food high in protein. Lots of you struggle to get these foods. Sometimes because you're too busy or sometimes because you just lack information. This easy to find food list will help to build muscle & lose fat.

1. Eggs: The Perfect Protein

Its not only cheap and easly get on market but eggs also rich with protein. The yolk contains most nutrients: half the protein, vitamins A/D/E and cholesterol to naturally increase your testosterone levels.

Don't worry about cholesterol in eggs. Dietary cholesterol isn't bound to blood cholesterol. Read this, this, this & this. If you have bad cholesterol, lower your body fat rather than throwing the yolk away.

You can cook them several ways or don’t even cook them at all (which is not recommended). Boiled, scrambled or pouched it doesn’t matter.

2. Milk

Milk works wonders for athletes and body builders. Milk is is nutrient dense, full of protein and contains essential amino acids. Drink a glass of milk any time for muscle gains.

3. Salmon: The Growth Regulator

One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that also gets you 20g protein per 100g serving. However, farm raised lack omega-3. Go with wild salmon.

4. Yogurt: The Golden Ratio

High in Calcium and vitamin D, this dairy product provides protein for muscle growth and probiotics to aid digestion.
Contain bacteria that improve your gastrointestinal health. Don't buy frozen yogurt or yogurt with added sugar and fruits at the bottom. Get plain low fat yogurt. Eat it with berries & flax seeds.

This may seem strange, but olive oil is a great source of monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats. These good fats are heart healthy. Olive oil also contains oleocanthal, which in an anti-inflammatory component. This helps with muscle pain and inflammation, aiding recovery.

5. Beef or any Red Meat: Carvable Creatine

Protein, vitamin B12, heme iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega-3 if you eat grass-fed beef. Eat steaks & hamburgers from top round or sirloin.

6. Olive Oil: Liquid Energy

70% monounsaturated fats that protect against heart diseases and cancer. Add 1-2 tbsp olive oil to your salads. Buy Extra Virgin Olive Oil: it contains more polyphenols and tastes better.

7. Water: The Muscle Bath

Your body holds water if you don't drink enough. Drinking prevents water retention, helps muscle recovery and prevents dehydration from strength training. Get a filter and drink 2 cups of water with each meal.

8. Coffee: The Repetition Builder

2 1/2 cups of coffee a few hours before an exercise test were able to sprint 9 percent longer than when they didn't drink any

9. Broccoli. 

High in cancer-fighting phytochemicals and anti-estrogenic indoles. Broccoli is also high in soluble fiber and low calorie, helping fat loss. Eat other cruciferous vegetables for a change: cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, kale, ...

10. Spinach. 

Spinach has super food qualities containing several vitamins and it contains calcium. The calcium in spinach may help relax the muscle to prevent cramping during training.

Spinach prevents muscle & bone loss as well as cancer and heart diseases because of its high nutrient profile. 

11. Bananas

Bananas have three types of sugars. Fructose, sucrose and glucose, these sugars are prime for pre/post training. Bananas are fat and cholesterol free, extremely portable, and nutrient dense

12. Sweet Potato

Easy to make and sweet to eat. Sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate with B vitamins. Great for a post workout or even before.

13. Fish Oil. 

Reduces inflammation (joints/skin), lowers body fat and increases testosterone levels. You need 9000mg EPA/DHA per day. Since you'll probably struggle to get that from eating fatty fish, consider a fish oil supplement.

14. Berries.

Strong antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart & eye diseases. Any kind works: cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Buy fresh or frozen berries and mix with oatmeal.

15. Oats. 

Reduce cholesterol, provide you with low-gi carbs for energy, and high in soluble fiber. Try this post workout shake of whey & oats.

Eat a bowl for breakfast or mix it in with your post workout shake. This carb helps you power through training. Also easy to prepare and can be a cornerstone to your muscle building diet.

16. Peanut Butter

Calorie dense, packed with good fats and it has protein. An essential food for growing mass and muscle. Drop the cheese-burger and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This will help you pack on pounds needed for sports or getting stronger

17. Nuts: Muscle Medicine

Contain mono- & polyunsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Mixed nuts are caloric dense, great if you're a skinny guy who wants to gain weight.

Nuts: almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, ... Peanut butter also works as long as you buy natural peanut butter without added salts/sugars.

18. Brown Rice

Brown rice is a staple in many body builder diets. This complex carbohydrate is a sustained release of energy for athletes. Brown rice can be essentially eaten with any meal which makes it a great source of carbs for building your muscles.